ZUMBATHON - Party in Pink Fundraising

TIME: 11:00am - 1:00pm
VENUE: Holy Family Primary School, entry thru Cecil Street, Indooroopilly
$20 - Entry
$5 = 3 raffle tickets
We have decided on this special event to happen on the same day, same place BEFORE the Zumba Masterclass with Kramer!
Our very own ZIN member, fellow Zumba Instructor and a wonderful friend, Rosabella Fry, is battling cancer and currently going through chemotherapy. She has a long journey of chemo, surgery, radiation etc, ahead for this year, with no way of fulfilling her full time job nor Zumba income for a long time.
17-18 Zumba Instructors have united together to lead this 2 hour event. FUN TIME guaranteed for a worthy cause. All proceedings will be donated to Rosabella Fry. Raffle tickets available to win some amazing Raffle Prizes. Get your ticket now.
TIME: 11:00am - 1:00pm
VENUE: Holy Family Primary School, entry thru Cecil Street, Indooroopilly
$20 - Entry
$5 = 3 raffle tickets
We have decided on this special event to happen on the same day, same place BEFORE the Zumba Masterclass with Kramer!
Our very own ZIN member, fellow Zumba Instructor and a wonderful friend, Rosabella Fry, is battling cancer and currently going through chemotherapy. She has a long journey of chemo, surgery, radiation etc, ahead for this year, with no way of fulfilling her full time job nor Zumba income for a long time.
17-18 Zumba Instructors have united together to lead this 2 hour event. FUN TIME guaranteed for a worthy cause. All proceedings will be donated to Rosabella Fry. Raffle tickets available to win some amazing Raffle Prizes. Get your ticket now.